Built for Speed in Flight

Built for Speed in Flight

The dragonfly is the fastest of all flying insects…they’re amazing and mythical looking creatures! This one actually allowed me to pet him and when I first touched him he turned his head and looked at me with those big fascinating eyes.

2008 D L Ennis, All rights reserved.

NOTE: Permission for the use of my images is granted for personal websites and blogs (THAT MEANS NO ADDS AND NO SELLING OF ANY KIND) but is to include a link back to this site and proper credit given to me, D L Ennis. Link to be used…(Visual Thoughts https://dlennis.wordpress.com/)

NOTE: Commercial use, and the creation of prints, must be purchased! For more information you can contact me here.

It’s Time to Boycott Mainstream Media

Mainstream media in the United States has always tried to dictate how we should think and sway us to believe that their word is the last. Now, they have pushed a lot of us over the edge!

It seems that every mainstream media outlet in this country is on the Obama payroll; they’ve leaned so far left that they are about to tip over and we have the power to make them fall…or at least hurt.

If you are like me and many others I know you are sick of this belittlement of our intellect and ready to hit back!

Now is the time to cancel hard copy (newspapers, magazines etc.) of all outlets who practice this one sided approach to journalism. If they have paid website subscriptions and you are a subscriber cancel it. If you visit online media sites that are free and want to keep doing that, don’t click on any ads. Boycott any advertisers who buy time on television during news programming. NPR radio is as big a violator of our rights to fair and unbiased reporting as anyone and if you donate money during their fund drives don’t do it next time.

Apparently, the only way that we can fight back is to hit them where it hurts…the money!

I hope you will join me in this fight and spread the word as well as apply some of the suggestions I’ve made. If you blog then write about who you feel about their practices and encourage others to write and boycott too.

If they start seeing their profits beginning to dwindle perhaps they will realize that if they want to earn our trust and keep it they will have to learn to practice responsible journalism!

An American Town

An American Town

A typical workday in an American small city or town as people go about their day.

There is quite a bit going on in this image…the fountain on the James River shooting water a hundred feet or so into the air as a CSX train inters the picture. A crane in operation (in the largest size you can see the crane operator) A couple of people crossing the street in opposite directions, and since I heard the train coming and waited until it was in the frame to shoot, I caught a car entering the pic at the bottom on the wrong side of the road in a place they should have never turned to begin with.

2008 D L Ennis, All rights reserved.

NOTE: Permission for the use of my images is granted for personal websites and blogs (THAT MEANS NO ADDS AND NO SELLING OF ANY KIND) but is to include a link back to this site and proper credit given to me, D L Ennis. Link to be used…(Visual Thoughts https://dlennis.wordpress.com/)

NOTE: Commercial use, and the creation of prints, must be purchased! For more information you can contact me here.