(Opinion) Afghanistan…Why are we still there?

The fact that Obama, a lawyer, has a war plan for Afghanistan is in itself outrageous to say the very least. Our Generals and the pentagon no longer plan war strategies and have actually become as useless as the United Nations and as laughable as the Nobel Peace Prize since Obama, a lawyer, was awarded it…go figure.

Congress and the Senate, all lawyers, also have no more business involved in war decisions of strategy and the release of information that endanger our troops. If we are going to be a warring nation, a country that tries to impose our capitalist ways and Christianity on everyone else in the world shouldn’t our generals, the pentagon, and Pat Robertson be running the country?

Scary and makes no more sense than Lawyers running a war and lawyers running our country…after all no one trust a lawyer!

Wouldn’t we be better served if top notch and trusted academics ran the country and the pentagon charged with building the best defensive military and stop the lawyers from taking us to war to satisfy their egos, greed, and bullying ways and to impose our ways on the world.

Back to my question (Afghanistan…Why are we still there?) It is a losing battle, a war we can’t win, there is no saving face. Afghanistan has a drug based economy and nothing to replace it with, i.e. it can’t be fixed. We should leave asap and stop the loss of American lives and the flood of money that would be better placed in the rebuilding and improvement of our countries infrastructure thus creating much needed jobs; what the money should have been being used for all along as well as the money spent on the presidents special interest entities—financial institutions and the auto industry…

D L Ennis © July 24, 2010

So, who will it be in 2012?

Now that we have elected America’s first black president…what’s there to look forward to in 2012? We know that if all goes as planned Democrats will be behind Obama again but the big question is…will the MSM?

Let’s face it, the MSM by rallying the great American two legged cattle around their call for everyone to be a part of history is what won the election for Obama. Even with the record amount of money that the Obama campaign raised that money didn’t do near as much for him as the billions of dollars of free coverage he got from the MSM.

I believe that future historians will see Americans of 2008 as the MSM cattle with the reality show mentality and the MSM with the true electoral power. In this election the majority of Americans behaved like a heard of preteen and teenaged girls at a Jonas Brothers show.

So, who will be the 2012 rock star? If he don’t totally screw up Obama will have a good chance of repeating his performance. So who could still the spotlight from him? Some think Palin will be there and then there are still the diehard Hillary fans who will want to see her run but no. Hillary had the only chance she will ever have this year and it was stolen by the DNC who jumped on the MSM for Obama bandwagon…they knew that Obama would be a sure thing with the American MSM behind him.

No, I don’t think that 2012 will se a white woman who will be able to contend. I believe that the MSM will still be a little perturbed by the Hillary fans that challenged them this year

I believe that if Obama is to be beat in 2012 and especially if the Republicans want back in then they are going to have to pull a rabbit out of their hat. What do I mean by that? A strong and intelligent black woman…A Condoleezza Rice perhaps.

That’s what I see for 2012…if the repubs can talk Ms. Rice into it.

So, for 2012 I see Obama vs. Rice with Rice winning. I really think that the MSM electoral board would go for a black female over a second term black male!

Vote for who ever you want, but vote for them for the right reasons

John McCain, no matter what you think of him is a real American. Some people scoff at his hero status…well, to me John McCain is an American hero, if for no other reason, because all of his life he has given to America…both in this country and overseas. He has served America in more ways than most living Americans have or will ever do. Most of all he stands up and says I am an American and proud of it.


Barack Obama on the other hand has never served America and doesn’t even refer to himself as American, but African American. I’m Scott-Irish but I don’t run around saying that’s what I am…I’m an American. If we are born and raised in America are we not Americans? If Obama wants to be president of America shouldn’t he speak of himself as an American? If he is President of America shouldn’t he be a president who represents all Americans and not just African Americans?


I heard part of a speech yesterday on NPR radio that Obama gave in New Mexico and he said he would fight for improved conditions for Hispanics and African Americans. Does that mean that Obama, who claims to be so in touch with the plight of regular Americans (working people), doesn’t know that there are white people suffering a lot of the wrongs and being kept poor in this country? Or is it he doesn’t care about whites?


Oh, I can hear it now…you’re a bigot some will say. I have been called a bigot and many other things when commenting on articles by the MSM this year by other people commenting on the same articles. About the mildest thing I have been called is a “white buhhba.” Why? Because I don’t support Obama. Barack Obama sat in a church listening to the likes of Rev. Wright for 20 years…Rev Wright baptized Obama’s children…Wright was a family friend, yet Obama didn’t know what Rev, Wright was all about? Give me a brake…The good Rev. Wright is a bigot and a man who does not love America yet in twenty years Obama didn’t see this? To me that suggest that Obama sees and cares about only what he wants to see and care about and that is not what’s best for all Americans.


Well, if because I don’t support Obama makes me a bigot, then what does it mean that my only human hero is Martin Luther King? What does it mean that I have always been at odds with my parents who were brought up with that mindset and who aggravated me to no end with there prejudice? What does it mean that when in 1969 when schools were first integrated in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where I spent my teen years, and blacks came into our school terrorizing white kids and stealing young whites lunch money and beating the hell out of them, raping white girls along with many other violent acts that I came away from that still despising the injustices that blacks had always endured in this country since being traded by there tribal leaders for beads and trinkets during the era of slave trade? I am not a bigot!  


For the sake of all of us and America I would suggest that if you are white, be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you are not voting for Obama…why? If you find that it is because he is black then you need to grow up and accept the world we live in the 21st century. I would also suggest that if you are black and voting for Obama ask yourself why? If you are voting for Obama simply because he is black then you are not doing your share to improve race relations in America and to be quite honest that makes you a bigot. Statistics show that 95% of black American will be voting for Obama and most of them because he is black…Who’s the bigot here?


We can’t move beyond all of this 19th and 20th century crap by dragging it into the 21st century…whites and blacks…get over it already!


Vote for who you truly believe is right for this country but do it for the right reasons…not the Wright reasons! I will not vote for Obama because I don’t think he is ready and experienced enough to lead America and that is the only reason!